Hello again lovelies, well, today was an exciting day indeed! I finally got around to updating and publicising my Folksy shop, which is in no small part thanks to the help of some lovely models, who are all extremely talented artists themselves, namely Nelle, Amy and Ita! I also gave the layout of this here blog a little tweak into something a bit brighter and I achieved one of my self set, really silly milestones and got onto the "What's Hot!" list on Craftster.org! I am so happy about that last one that I feel a bit silly about it, but it's always been a dream, again I'm sure its partially thanks to the pretty ladies modelling (especially Nelle!), I have pictures!

That's my work (and Nelle's nice hair) second in on the top over at
Craftster. Its my new knitted headphones, available in the store.
I was also featured over at
Wool And Wire, another first! I'm a happy bunny, tra la la la la!