What are you looking at?

Oh... you want to know? Oh, yes, of course. Well I'm Hollie Anderson and this is a collection of my work and ramblings. Thats it really, don't worry I won't be upset if you leave. I won't cry. Honest...

Well. Maybe a little.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude, I got a C10, not that great but one mark off of a B and still a good 2:2.

Also on the way home I was comissioned by the yarn shop lady in Hereford to do a knitted drainpipe again for them. I'm going to take Gaz down to look at the blacksmithing in the courtyard as he might be able to give me some ideas and insight that I hadn't thought of, then I'm going to sketch sketch sketch and knit and crochet until my hands fall off! I'm so excited!

Plus the yarn Lady is giving me some yarn to make the selkie's seaweed outfit which is spun with seaweed! How good is that?

Good day, folks, good day.

Shoop Da Whoop!

My piece got selected for Berrington Hall! Oh yeaahhhhh.

As did the work of the lovely Amy Wallace, Daisy Davies, Lucy Baxendale, Charlie Lindup, Nell Neilson and Sara Rhys, plus a few more wonderful craftspeople. I'm so happy, and really pleased for my friends too, I adore their work and will post photos of it all at a later date, because it really is fantastic.

So Now I just have to get my results... I'm not hoping for much, due to paperwork I didn't do because it is STUPID. And I was too lazy and STUPID myself.

A C would be nice.

Fingers crossed!